Ambergris Definition All You Need To Know About Whale Vomit

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Ambergris Definition
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Ambergris Definition - All You Need To Know About Whale Vomit

What is Ambergris?

Ambergris is the most well known and one of the most sought-after substances that can be found washed up on beaches around the world. And, despite its different names, such as floating gold, ambergris has humble beginnings - it is actually whale vomit, otherwise known as whale feces.

More specifically, ambergris is produced as a secretion from the bile duct of sperm whales. When regurgitated, it is made up of a mix of squid beaks, fish bones, and other indigestible parts of the whale's diet. This mixture then continues to harden into a solid, which then prompts the whale to vomit it up, either floating away on ocean currents or washing up on beaches around the world.

Before it washes up on shore, ambergris floats on the ocean's surface, marinating in the sea. Over years or even decades, ambergris is broken down by salt water and sunlight, which cause the substance to become lighter in color, gain a smoother texture, and develop a pleasant fragrance.

Ambergris Uses

Because of its unique aroma, ambergris has been and continues to be used as a fixative in high-end perfumes. Because of this, the substance is considered by many the most luxurious and expensive animal product in the world, fetching as much as $50,000 per pound on the global market.

Ambergris has also been used in traditional medicines, with ancient Chinese texts including ambergris as a treatment for everything from epilepsy to indigestion. It is also believed that ambergris was used by ancient Egyptians for embalming and by European royalty as an aphrodisiac.

How to Identify Ambergris

Although being capable of identifying genuine ambergris is a skill few people have, there are a few ways to tell whether your potential ambergris find is authentic or not.

Is Ambergris Legal?

Whether or not the possession of ambergris is legal depends on the country in which you reside. For example, in the United States, it is illegal to possess ambergris that was taken from a living whale. However, it is not illegal to possess ambergris that was found washed up on shore.

In other countries, the laws regarding ambergris possession vary. For example, in the United Kingdom, it is illegal to possess ambergris that was taken from a whale that was killed after 1 June 1975. If you are unsure about the legality of possessing ambergris in your country, it is best to consult an attorney.


Ambergris is a fascinating substance with a long and storied history. Used for centuries in both perfumes and medicines, ambergris continues to be a valuable commodity today.