3 De Octubre A Religious Festival In Argentina

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3 De Octubre
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3 De Octubre: A Religious Festival in Argentina


3 De Octubre, also known as the Fiesta de la Virgen de Luján, is a religious festival celebrated in Argentina to honor the Virgin Mary under the title of Our Lady of Luján. It is one of the most important religious festivals in Argentina, attracting thousands of pilgrims each year.

The festival takes place on October 3rd, the day that the image of the Virgin of Luján was found in 1630. The image was found by a farmer named Antonio Farías Saavedra, who was traveling with an oxcart when the wheels got stuck in the mud. When he tried to free the wheels, he found the image of the Virgin Mary buried in the ground.

Saavedra took the image to his home, where it was placed in a small chapel. Soon, people began to report miracles happening at the chapel, and the image of the Virgin of Luján became known throughout the country.


The 3 De Octubre festival is celebrated with a variety of religious and cultural events. The main event is a procession that takes place on October 3rd. The procession starts at the Basilica of Our Lady of Luján and proceeds through the streets of the city.

In addition to the procession, there are also a number of other religious events that take place during the festival, including masses, prayers, and candlelight vigils.

The festival also features a number of cultural events, including music, dance, and food. There are also a number of stalls selling religious souvenirs and other goods.


The 3 De Octubre festival is a significant event in the religious and cultural life of Argentina. It is a time for people to come together to celebrate their faith and to honor the Virgin Mary.

The festival is also a reminder of the importance of the Virgin Mary in Argentine history. The image of the Virgin of Luján is considered to be a national symbol, and it is often used to represent the country.